The requests for spaces in our program far outweigh our capacity. We recommend that you explore various options as we cannot guarantee there will be a space available, however, you can apply to join our wait list here. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has an online directory of licensed child care facilities that you can search by community and program type.
Click here (the page will open up in a new tab): Directory of Licensed Child Care Facilities
Choosing the right child care arrangement for you and your child is an important decision. This web site contains some interesting information about child care choices including a short video, a checklist of questions that might be asked when selecting a child care arrangement and some discussion about quality.
Finding Quality Child Care. A guide for parents in Canada.
This link will take you to a video. Quality child care in focus: What parents should look for is a video designed for parents of young children in Canada.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the waitlist work?
We have over 100 licensed child care spaces in three locations for children ages 3 months to 5 years old. All applications will be considered, however, priority is given to students, faculty and staff of Saint Mary’s University and the siblings of children currently enrolled in the program.
How long is the waitlist?
The length of the waiting time is different for each age group and type of care. Typically, the majority of spaces become available between June and September as our oldest children leave for Primary.
When can I put my name of the waitlist?
You can put your name on the waitlist as soon as you know you will need a space. If your child has not been born yet, use your best estimate for the start date.
Is there a fee to be put on the waitlist?
No, but there is a registration fee at the time of enrollment.
Should I put my name on other waitlists?
The requests for spaces in our program far outweigh our capacity. We recommend that you explore various options as we cannot guarantee there will be a space available. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has an online directory of licenced child care facilities that you can search by community and program type.
Click here (the page will open up in a new tab): Directory of Licensed Child Care Facilities
What should I expect once I have placed my name on the wait list?
We will keep your name on our list until we have a space to offer you or until you tell us you no longer require care. Once we have a space for you we will contact you to arrange a visit and complete the registration process.
What should I expect during the registration process?
The registration process will take some time. You will be asked to complete several forms, we will have a tour of the site and the classroom, meet the teaching staff and discuss how we might best meet the needs of your child. We will arrange a start date for your child which will include several “visit” days as we gradually orient you and your child to the program. All families must provide a list of their child’s immunizations at the time of registration.